Newsletter of Building Talent

The Final Event in Latvia is not the End but the Beginning of New Initiatives! – Newsletter #9

Took place in Riga on May 10th 2024

The final event of Building Talent was organized and took place at the premises of the coordinating partner NOASS, which is a floating space for cultural production, artist gatherings, and performance presentations in Riga, Latvia.

At this event, representatives from partner organisations presented the activities, results, and project experiences in each participating country. Invited representatives from Latvia’s Cultural and Creative Sector, as well as numerous artists, showed particular interest and actively participated in the coordinated discussion that followed, asking crucial questions and sharing their own experiences.

These new experiences make us even more optimistic that the end of the project finds us more prepared than ever for the continuation of our actions in each country, always aiming to increase opportunities for the professional development of young artists.

An open discussion with great interest!

The event space was set as a pathway, where entering visitors could watch short excerpts from video interviews with experts from the Cultural and Creative Sector and young artists who participated in the project’s activities. They could download the project’s results by using QR codes placed at various points along the pathway and eventually be led to the large presentation hall of NOASS, where partner representatives presented the project’s work and progress in each country.

The immediacy and friendly atmosphere that developed throughout the event led to lengthy discussions with the guests, who stayed in the venue for quite some time, even after the event ended.

New ideas for future projects were discussed, and promises were exchanged to maintain and strengthen the connections made on that day.


Final Dissemination Event of Building Talent Project Held in Riga

Final Dissemination Event of Building Talent Project Held in Riga

The final dissemination event of the Building Talent project took place in Riga, Latvia, on Friday, 10th May 2024. Representatives from the partner organizations, the Latvian cultural and creative sector, and young artists participated in the event.

Attendees had the opportunity to watch presentations on the project results from each consortium country, engage in an open discussion on the challenges and opportunities within the cultural and creative sector, view educational videos created with the participation of sector experts in Latvia, and enjoy a DJ performance.

See more highlights from the final dissemination event:

Building Talent Final Event Took Place in Latvia

Building Talent Final Event Took Place in Latvia

For two days (9 and 10 May 2024), the consortium representatives met in Riga, Latvia, and worked intensively preparing the final dissemination event. They were privileged to tour the National Library of Latvia and use its premises as a working space for these two days.

We will soon have more information and pictures from the final event, which took place on May 10, with the participation of young artists and representatives of the Latvian Cultural and Creative Sector.

Stay tuned!

Newsletter of Building Talent

Career Guidance Activities Lead to Real Career Opportunities – Newsletter #8

More than 16 workplaces in 3 countries

The last project activity to support young artists in their efforts to increase their professional opportunities in the Cultural and Creative Sector was completed beyond initial expectations.

In the three countries of the consortium (Latvia, Belgium, and Greece) dozens of contacts were made with artistic and cultural organisations, companies and organisations that can make use of the skills and creativity of young artists and the results fully justify our efforts.

In the framework of these activities, at least 16 opportunities for professional development and cooperation have been created and the next period is expected to be particularly creative and productive.

Professional opportunities per country

Visual artists exhibit their works in prestigious group exhibitions and create personal networks with galleries and collectors, a photographer opens his B2B business by creating advertising material for companies and organisatios, an actor directs his own play and presents it in two performances at a major festival in Greece, three young artists sign a contract with a major mental health organisation as trainers of creative workshops (theatre, visual arts and crafts, animation) aimed at adults with intellectual disabilities, a young musician undertakes the preparation and realization of a musical performance in Belgium while a Greek jazz artist releases her first album, and much, much more…


  • Three artists sign a contract with a mental health organisation as creative workshops trainers.
  • A photographer and video maker starts his own business.
  • A saxophonist releases her album and prepares for her tour in Greece and abroad.
  • An actor directs and presents his first play at a festival.

2. Belgium

  • A visual artist holds an exhibition in a cultural space and sells her works.
  • A singer is invited to perform her musical show at a major event.

3. Latvia

  • At least 7 different professional roles for 13 young artists in internships at a major artistic organisation in Riga.


Newsletter of Building Talent

Join us at the final event! – Newsletter #7

Where, when, why, what?

On Friday, 10th May 2024 (from 16:00 until late at night), the progress and results of the Building Talent project in Riga, Latvia, will be presented! An exciting 2-year journey is coming to an end in a celebratory way.

Representatives of partners from all consortium countries will be there to present the project’s activities and results, meet with young artists from Latvia who either participated in the project activities or will use the project’s results in the future, and talk to more than 70 stakeholders from the CCS sector in Latvia about the possibilities for further professional development of young artists.

The event will include a rich artistic program by local young artists. The highlights will be featured in the next Building Talent Newsletter, so stay tuned!

To whom is it addressed?

The Building Talent final event is open to young artists, representatives from the Cultural & Creative Sectors, Local and National Authorities, cultural organizations, foundations and associations, labor Agencies, educational organizations, youth and social organizations, established artists, and mentors.

It invites the participation of all key players in the Latvian and European artistic ecosystem!



Click here to download our 6th Newsletter.

Newsletter of Building Talent

Let’s go a little deeper… – Newsletter #6


Fifteen young artists from three different countries (Latvia, Belgium, Greece) who successfully completed the Building Talent training in November-December 2023 proceeded with their trainers and selected mentors to the project’s mentoring sessions.

The mentoring sessions will take place simultaneously in all three countries between March and April 2024 and aim to support the young project artists in creating their own business plans for their dream professional endeavours.

Having developed their business ideas on a solid basis, the young artists will meet with qualified and successful CCS professionals from each country to check the details of each business plan and receive specific guidance to move from theory to practice.

Realistic goals for sustainable plans

One thing that was made abundantly clear from the Building Talent training is that the professional engagement of artists with their art is not a pipe dream, nor is it only for a lucky few.

Systematic planning, knowledge of the business environment and the market, familiarity with creative tools and new technologies, and realistic goals can banish all fears and hesitations and unleash the entrepreneurial potential that lies in creative minds.

Some tips that always work:

Keep it simple, be yourself

Focus on what you want to do and set one goal at a time. Start with realistic plans and don’t worry. The success of your first goal will unfold many possibilities.

What gets measured gets done

In addition to the qualitative objectives, set numerical indicators and keep track of them. Not only will you stay on top of things, but you may even be pleasantly surprised.

You alone can do it, but you can’t do it alone

Art is to be shared, and so is your experience and your ideas. Somewhere out there are surely those who can complement you and take your idea to the next level.



Click here to download our 6th Newsletter.

Rebuilding Europe: Charting a Resilient Renaissance in the Cultural and Creative Industries [2021 Study]

Rebuilding Europe: Charting a Resilient Renaissance in the Cultural and Creative Industries [2021 Study]

Have you ever wondered how Europe is bouncing back from the pandemic’s blow, especially in its vibrant cultural and creative industries (CCIs)? Well, it’s a story worth telling, and it’s all about rebuilding Europe in a way that’s both innovative and rooted in rich cultural heritage. This EY 2021 study is a real eye-opener and aligns perfectly with our mission in the Building Talent project. So, let’s dive in and see how Europe is turning the tide! what kind of doctor can prescribe klonopin

The Pulse Pre-Pandemic: A Snapshot of Success

Before COVID-19 reared its ugly head, Europe’s CCIs weren’t just doing well – they were thriving! Let’s break it down:

  • Turnover Triumph: With a whopping €643 billion in turnover and a total added value of €253 billion in 2019, the Cultural and Creative Industries were no small fry. They even outpaced sectors like telecom and pharmaceuticals.
  • Growth Galore: From 2013 to 2019, CCI revenues skyrocketed by €93 billion, a stunning 17% growth.
  • Employment Extravaganza: Over 7.6 million Europeans were employed in the sector, showing a robust 10% job growth since 2013.

The COVID-19 Calamity: A Tough Pill to Swallow

Then came the pandemic, which hit the creative sectors hard! Here’s the lowdown:

  • Revenue Rollercoaster: Revenues took a nosedive by 31%, plummeting to €444 billion in 2020.
  • Sectors in Sorrow: Performing arts and music were the hardest hit, with declines of 90% and 76%, respectively. Yet, video games bucked the trend, growing by 9%.

Rebuilding Europe: Rising from the Ashes

It’s not all doom and gloom, though. The rebuilding effort is in full swing, and there’s a lot to be optimistic about:

  • Funding and Investment: The call for substantial public and private investment is loud and clear. It’s all hands on deck to rejuvenate these industries.
  • Embracing Diversity: Europe’s cultural tapestry is its strength. Leveraging this diversity is key to rebuilding and reimagining the future of CCIs.
  • Sustainable and Social: The focus isn’t just on economic recovery. It’s about using CCIs as a catalyst for social and environmental change.

The Road to Recovery: A Blueprint for Action

If you are wondering what’s the plan, here’s a peek at the strategies being rolled out:

  1. Boost Public Funding: A series of public funds are injected into the economy to kickstart the recovery of the sector to get those creative juices flowing again.
  2. Private Sector Partnership: Collaboration is the name of the game. Private entities are stepping up, bringing innovation and fresh perspectives.
  3. Digital Transformation: With a shift to online platforms, CCIs are adapting to the new normal. It’s digital or bust!
  4. Sustainable Practices: Going green isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessity. The focus is on eco-friendly practices that ensure long-term viability.

Leveraging Lessons for the Future

Looking ahead, there’s a lot to learn from this ordeal. The rebuilding of Europe isn’t just about bouncing back; it’s about jumping forward with lessons learned and new strategies in place.

  • Resilience and Adaptability: If there’s one thing this crisis taught us, it’s the power of adaptability. Europe’s CCIs are retooling to be more resilient than ever.
  • Innovation as the Engine of Growth: Innovation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the lifeline of these industries. Expect to see groundbreaking ideas and creative solutions as standard operating procedures.
  • Community and Collaboration: It’s all about coming together. Strengthening community ties and fostering collaboration are pivotal in this journey.


Rebuilding Europe isn’t just about repairing what was lost; it’s an opportunity to reinvent, reimagine, and revitalize a vital sector of the European economy. The EY study shed light on the path forward, and initiatives like “Rebuilding Europe” are essential resources in this journey. As we march ahead, we must remember that every challenge is an opportunity in disguise.

Ready to Dive Deeper? For a full overview of how Europe’s cultural and creative industries are reinventing themselves post-pandemic, download the complete EY 2021 study. It’s packed with insights, data, and strategies shaping these vibrant sectors’ future. Just click here to get your hands on this invaluable resource. Don’t miss out on this comprehensive guide to Europe’s resilient rebirth!

For more information about the “Rebuilding Europe” initiative, visit the official website.

Here is the presentation of EY’s Rebuilding Europe study during the Rebuilding Europe: what happens next? Webinar last year.